Friday, December 17, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Teachers union hosts 3rd mayoral forum

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Teachers union hosts 3rd mayoral forum

Teachers union hosts 3rd mayoral forum

M. Klonsky photo
It looked to me like about 600-700 (mostly teachers) packing the Operating Engineers union hall last night. I didn't hear much new from any of the five candidates who showed up--Miguel del Valle, Carol Moseley Braun, James Meeks, Gery Chico and William "Dock" Walls.

As expected, Rahm Emanuel didn't deem the crowd worthy of his presence (I wonder what's really in those 20 boxes he has hidden in that crawl space in his former house?). Congressman Danny Davis was also a no-show. He phoned in a brief statement from D.C. where he rushed to heed Obama's call to vote yes on the $858 billion tax-break-for-the-rich bill. How sad.

Lots of ed clichés tossed about. We learned that all kids can learn, we should leave no child behind, and that it
An end to regulation?
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R., Ala.), the incoming chairman of the House Financial Services Committee (left) huddles with the current chairman, Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.) at a hearing in September. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Spencer Bachus, the incoming G.O.P. chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, told