Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Emanuel blowing more smoke on Chicago school reform

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Emanuel blowing more smoke on Chicago school reform

Emanuel blowing more smoke on Chicago school reform

Here's the latest Rahm bomb

He promises even more arbitrary school closings in black and Latino communities, turning them over to private management companies under the failed Race To The Top policies he helped engineer in Washington.

The so-called "turnaround" process, handing neighborhood schools over to operators like Academy for Urban School Leadership (AUSL), has only served to widen the city's achievement gap and expand the two-tier school system we have always known in the Windy City.

While Emanuel won't commit to sending his own children to any AUSL-run schools, or to any other public school period, he giddily promised, at a press conference on Tuesday, to "turnaround" and hand over to companies like AUSL 35 more local public schools. Where did he get the number 35. Has he studied each school (he doesn't name them) to see what their specific needs; are they really "failing"; or what impact the turnaround process