Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Master’s for Science Professionals Sweeps U.S. Schools -

A Master’s for Science Professionals Sweeps U.S. Schools -

A Master’s for Science Professionals Sweeps U.S. Schools

BOSTON — A curiosity tucked away in a handful of university catalogs a decade ago, the professional science master’s degree is emerging from the shadows at a number of college campuses.

Erik Jacobs for the International Herald Tribune

Aayush Pandey, 23, is pursuing a professional science master’s degree, or P.S.M., at Northeastern University in Boston.

The degree, which a few universities quietly pioneered in the mid-1990s, combines graduate studies in science or mathematics and business management courses. In 2008, 58 universities were offering the professional science master’s degree, or P.S.M., according to the Council of Graduate Schools in Washington. By the start of this academic year, the number had nearly doubled

Briefly: Education: Summit Takes Global Turn to Strengthen Education

The first International Summit on the Teaching Profession is to be held in March in New York.

The U.S. Department of Education has announced plans for the first International Summit on the Teaching Profession, to be held in March in New York.

Organizers say the aim of the meeting is to share strategies with the international education community. To that end, in addition to U.S. teachers and administrators, the meeting’s organizers have invited top educators, education ministers and leaders of education organizations from a number of countries.

The international scope of the meeting is a first for U.S. education leaders. “This summit is a tremendous opportunity to learn from one another the best methods worldwide to