Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Oprah’s Love Affair With Michelle Rhee Misleads | The Atlanta Post

How Oprah’s Love Affair With Michelle Rhee Misleads | The Atlanta Post

How Oprah’s Love Affair With Michelle Rhee Misleads

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"Charing Ball"What is it with Oprah’s love affair with Michelle Rhee?

After anointing Rhee as the second coming of Educational Christ during the episode featuring the “Waiting for Superman” documentary, Oprah invited her back to her holy grail of platforms once again, this time, to announce the launching of an organization called Students First, an interest group that will lobby for her brand of education reform.

But of course this will not be any regular special interest group but one that will “take the lessons, which Rhee has learned in D.C. and imply it to the rest of the nation.” Hmm, and what would those lesson be? Not quite sure but according to the video clip, it involves the word “change.”

For some reason Rhee, who has about three years of actual teaching experience and another three years of leadership experience, has become the face of school reform in America. Beside her reoccurring stint on Oprah, she has also graced the cover of Newsweek magazine.

She is even the face of her own Students First movement. Check out the website and you’ll see