Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Help Build a Bridge for Essential Schools | Taking Note

Help Build a Bridge for Essential Schools | Taking Note

Help Build a Bridge for Essential Schools

Every day seems to bring more interesting news in the world of public education: a new alliance of school districts and charters schools, scores on PISA, a waiver from the state department of education to allow Cathy Black to succeed Joel Klein in New York City, a front page story in the New York Times about Bill Gates’ support for videotaping teachers and Michelle Rhee’s launch of Students First.

Perhaps all of these developments deserve our attention, even though none can claim impact—they’re all works in progress, even the semi-good news about small increases by US students on the international PISA results. I expect to be blogging about them down the road.

If you are looking for positive impact on the lives and learning of children, I suggest theCoalition of Essential Schools, that wonderfully loose organization created in 1984 by the late Ted Sizer, a true giant in education.


Whether it’s the network of like-minded teachers who have been supporting each other for years and years, sharing ideas, techniques, successes and failures, or wildly successful