Wednesday, December 22, 2010

George Miller defends vote on interns | Thoughts on Public Education

George Miller defends vote on interns | Thoughts on Public Education

George Miller defends vote on interns

Opponents insist there was no need to rush
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Congress on Tuesday broadened the definition of a “highly qualified teacher” to include the 10,000 novice or intern teachers in California who are working toward their teaching credential. The clause was inserted into the Continuing Resolution to temporarily fund the federal government. It passed, as expected, last night.

Critics assailed the new definition as a retreat from higher standards of the No Child Left Behind law. Proponents of internship programs said it was necessary for second-career professionals and others to be able to afford a credentialing program while working as a teacher.

Democratic U.S. Rep. George Miller of California, the chairman of the House Education and