Friday, December 31, 2010

Federal job money funds bonuses in Wyoming schools

Federal job money funds bonuses in Wyoming schools

Federal job money funds bonuses in Wyoming schools

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CHEYENNE — The U.S. Department of Education persisted in giving Wyoming more than $17 million this fall for a program intended to avert teacher layoffs even after Gov. Dave Freudenthal told the federal agency the energy-rich state didn't need the money.

Although rebuffed by Freudenthal, the U.S. Department of Education then pledged the money straight to the Wyoming Department of Education. The state agency in the past several weeks has approved applications from school districts around the state to use the federal windfall to pay for bonuses and other benefits for teachers and school employees.

While some Wyoming school districts intend to pay bonuses, most will use the money to cover rising health insurance and pension costs that otherwise would come out of employees' pockets. A few district