Friday, December 17, 2010

Education Equality Project director departs, future in question | GothamSchools

Education Equality Project director departs, future in question | GothamSchools

Education Equality Project director departs, future in question

An education advocacy group launched by Chancellor Joel Klein and the Reverend Al Sharpton over two years ago has lost its director and faces an uncertain future.

Unveiled in 2008 in Washington D.C., the Education Equality Project was intended to influence discussion of education policy in the presidential election. (Remember those wars — manufactured or not — within the Democratic party?) It was also a way for Klein to broadcast his views on a national scale, much like former D.C. schools superintendent Michelle Rhee is doing with her new advocacy group, StudentsFirst.

After Arne Duncan was named Secretary of Education, EEP seemed to lose steam. Now comes news (viaedReformer) that EEP director Ellen Winn is leaving for a job at 50CAN, where she’ll be in charge of expanding