Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Democurmudgeon: Majority of Utah Citizens who Rejected Republican Voucher Law are about to see New Voucher Law by Republicans. Are they listening?

Democurmudgeon: Majority of Utah Citizens who Rejected Republican Voucher Law are about to see New Voucher Law by Republicans. Are they listening?

Majority of Utah Citizens who Rejected Republican Voucher Law are about to see New Voucher Law by Republicans. Are they listening?

Even after the Republicans made the point that health care reform had been “rammed down our throats,” and the Democrats weren’t listening to the protesting American public, they still want to ram school vouchers down the throats of the same voters who voted down the idea in 2007. A bit authoritarian?
ABC 4 News has learned Utah is headed for another potentially bruising debate over school vouchers.
A key republican state legislator is now drafting a new bill which would create a voucher program for some Utah students.

In early 2007, the Utah legislature approved a school voucher program