Saturday, December 4, 2010

Democurmudgeon: It's the Re-segregation of our schools, under the guise of Vouchers. Big Surprise?

Democurmudgeon: It's the Re-segregation of our schools, under the guise of Vouchers. Big Surprise?

It's the Re-segregation of our schools, under the guise of Vouchers. Big Surprise?

With radio grand dragon Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck stoking the flames of racism, the conservative public is again played as gullible and pliant suckers, a portrayal they’ll not doubt find offensive and completely untrue. Man up!!!

School choice conservatives have kept the message simple; vouchers give parents “who know better” choice, and are more effective than public schools. These two points are factually untrue, but never-the-less believed by an ideological public, fearful of a phantom liberal enemy.

What goes unmentioned; Vouchers will break up the teachers union, appeases the religious base and encourage white Americans will flee non-white schools. White flight returns, but under the radar. A study published in the latest issue of the Review of Economics and Statistics is consistent with other studies of the impact of school choice on racial segregation in schools. The weight of evidence is that school choice leads to more segregated schools.

Other studies show that the racial composition of a school is a large determinant of the