Monday, December 20, 2010

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily
Damn Good Education Daily - The answer is yes. And so are the rates around Tampa Bay. The 2009-10 rates, announced with much fanfare by Gov. Charlie Crist a few weeks ago, are at least 6 percentage points too high, according ...

DianeRavitch - Bio: Chris is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, a progressive science and technology high school in Philadelphia, PA. Chris has returned to his native Philadelphia after nin...

tomwhitby - There was something strange in The Washington Post a week ago. A chart on page A16, using data provided by the D.C. public school system, showed that in late summer and fall 2009, Spingarn High Sch...

alexanderrusso - Saying it is an issue that “affects the hopes, dreams and pocketbooks” of Kentucky students and taxpayers, Attorney General Jack Conway announced Wednesday that he has issued six civil subpoenas as...

EDPressSec - The evidence against for-profit colleges has been piling up for months, and it is disheartening that all the federal government has offered in response is pontification and paper. The schools have ...
