Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Change is coming to California - Jim Boren -

Change is coming to California - Jim Boren -

Change is coming to California

You won't find anyone in the political establishment arguing that California's current system of governing is working. Yet every reasonable reform aimed at improving governance in the Golden State is challenged by some special interest.

It seems like gridlock is working for some people or they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep the status quo. There are a couple of recent examples.

Everyone knew that California's redistricting system was rigged to keep incumbents in office. But when voters finally took redistricting from the politicians and gave it to an independent citizens commission, lawmakers tried to block the change with a misleading ballot measure.

And when the voters decided in June that the primary election system needed changing, the open-primary solution was quickly attacked in court.

Clearly, there are people inside California's dysfunctional government making a nice living out of not getting things done.

But the momentum right now seems to be with the reformers, despite the best efforts of

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