Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bernie Sanders and The Idea That Everyone Matters (And I Mean Everyone) — The Jose Vilson

Bernie Sanders and The Idea That Everyone Matters (And I Mean Everyone) — The Jose Vilson

Bernie Sanders and The Idea That Everyone Matters (And I Mean Everyone)

Senator Bernie Sanders

On Friday, I came back from another CoCoLoco meeting in which someone suggested I become an administrator (for the umpteenth time) because I was asked to be a table leader even though I had no idea I was leading the table until my name was put at the top of a name chart at an 8th grade table … and proceeded to lead it well. Fair enough, but there’s no way I can be an administrator, even if I know how to get people re-focused on a task and actually come appropriately dressed for a professional development day.

After the meeting, I came home to the news that Senator Bernie Sanders, the Independent socialist from Vermont, was in his 5th hour of speaking to a mostly empty chamber about the corrupt calamity that is Barack