Thursday, December 16, 2010

At House education reform hearing parents come armed with data. « Fred Klonsky's blog

At House education reform hearing parents come armed with data. « Fred Klonsky's blog

At House education reform hearing parents come armed with data.

An observer at today’s House Committee on Education Reform called to tell me that one of the odd things about the affair was it was a speaker representing parents who was among the few people who gave testimony that presented real data.

Julie Woestehoff, Executive Director of Parents United for Responsible Education waited all afternoon to testify. She wanted to sit at the table designated for education reform groups but was told it was too crowded by groups like the deep pocketed Stand for Children.

Woestehoff writes on PURE’s website:

It was a long afternoon out in Aurora, but the Illinois House Education Reform Committee got a good earful from teachers and others about not including them in this rushed legislation to create a new teacher evaluation process.