Monday, December 6, 2010

Alabama students sue authorities over alleged police brutality - Telegraph

Alabama students sue authorities over alleged police brutality - Telegraph

Alabama students sue authorities over alleged police brutality

A group of school pupils in Alabama is suing the local education authority for running a "police state" in which officers are allegedly using "chemical weapons" to enforce discipline.

A group of school pupils in Alabama is suing the local education authority for running a
The lawsuit, which is filed on behalf of the 8,000 pupils in Birmingham, seeks damages and demands officials 'immediately abandon the use of chemical and other weapons' against schoolchildren Photo: ALAMY

Seven students in Birmingham, Alabama, have filed a class action lawsuit against the city's education board and the local police force over the frequent use of Mace, or pepper spray, in schools.

The spray is readily used to "enforce basic school discipline", the lawsuit claims, and "school personnel not only watch, but sometimes even celebrate when schoolchildren are maced".

The city has police officers in every school under a scheme designed to ensure the safety of pupils, the lawsuit states. But "officers have