Wednesday, November 17, 2010

University of California Regents to Take Up Fee Hikes Amid Protests « Student Activism

University of California Regents to Take Up Fee Hikes Amid Protests « Student Activism

University of California Regents to Take Up Fee Hikes

It’s seven o’clock in the morning in California, and the November meeting of the UC regents is scheduled to get underway soon. Topping their agenda is another steep tuition increase.

When the regents met last fall at UCLA some three thousand students were on hand to protest their imposition of a 32% fee hike, but at least some student activists expect a smaller turnout this time around. Ricardo Gomez, External Affairs Vice President of the Associated Students of the University of California, told the Daily Cal this week that the meeting’s staging at UC San Francisco Mission Bay — a medical center and teaching hospital with no undergraduate student body — is likely to suppress student turnout.