Sunday, November 28, 2010

Student occupations expected to increase | Education | The Guardian

Student occupations expected to increase | Education | The Guardian

Student occupations expected to increase

Sit-ins at sites including Oxford, Manchester and Edinburgh gather pace ahead of next national day of action

Students in leeds protesting against tuition fees and education cuts
Students across the country continue to protest against planned education cuts and a rise in tuition fees. Photograph: Gabriel Szabo/Guzelian

Linked by Twitter, mobiles and old-fashioned printed flyers, 15 student occupations continued over the weekend and are set to grow before the national day of action on Tuesday

Part of the Bodleian library at Oxford, a major lecture theatre at Manchester and Appleton Tower at Edinburgh are among sites taken over for good-natured and inventive protests against the planned university fees rise and education cuts.

Art exhibitions, debates and invitations to local people to meet and discuss the issues are part of the activities at the sites, which also include Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Plymouth and London. Edinburgh students called on outside supporters to stage snowball fights in solidarity, while Oxford's Facebook page features support from