Sunday, November 14, 2010

Seattle Public Schools community blog: Critically important discussion about intervention

Seattle Public Schools community blog: Critically important discussion about intervention

Critically important discussion about intervention

This is critically important.

This is the most important and most urgent crisis in Seattle Public Schools.

This is also indicative of the deep flaws in the District.

This conversation is from the School Board meeting of 11/3/2010. It occurred during the discussion of an introduction item, the update and revision of some enrollment policies. The conversation begins with Director Smith-Blum expressing her concern about the inadequacies of the interventions available in our middle and high schools for students working far below grade level. I would encourage you to watch the video of the conversation from the start, but I offer here a transcript of it starting at 54:40 of Part 3 of the meeting:
Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Susan Enfield: Director Smith-Blum and I did have the opportunity to have a conversation about this and actually I think that many of the issues that Dr. Smith-Blum raises are legitimate, but I think that they’re really separate from this actual policy question that