Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Schools Matter: Ravitch is right. Gates is wrong.

Schools Matter: Ravitch is right. Gates is wrong.

Ravitch is right. Gates is wrong.

Ravitch is right, Gates is wrong. My comment on "Ravitch answers Gates," The Answer Sheet:http://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/diane-ravitch/ravitch-answers-gates.html

Ravitch is right, Gates is wrong. And those who think American education is broken are wrong, and so are those who think that Ravitch et al (I think I'm the et in et al) do not believe in helping children develop basic skills.

  1. Poverty is the issue. Students from middle-class homes who attend well-funded schools score near the top on international tests. Our mediocre average scores are because we have such a high percentage of children living in poverty compared to other industrialized countries. This shows that poverty is indeed the factor. (Yes, I am aware of our "low" math scores in a recent analysis. We were beaten by two clear outliers, Korea and Taiwan) and countries with small populations, including Lichtenstein, Iceland,