Saturday, November 6, 2010

Schools Matter: Preparing the Ground for the Comcast Assimilation of NBC

Schools Matter: Preparing the Ground for the Comcast Assimilation of NBC

Preparing the Ground for the Comcast Assimilation of NBC

All across America the nonstop voices of racism, homophobia, and hate spew their toxicity on the public airwaves with the support of the corporate propaganda promulgators, whose highest trump cards remain divisiveness and nastiness. The most recent corporate Frankenstein, the Tea Party, is a perfect example of manufactured fear-mongering and the fulmination of hate among nervous white voters who have very little left to their privilege besides color, a privilege that becomes even more important for them to maintain as economic privilege of the former white middle class is yanked away by corporate policies that export jobs to increase profits, all the while blaming illegal immigrants, liberals, or the public schools for the fact that the the majority of U.S. is quickly moving to Third World status. Enter Fox News and the thousands of Clear Channel AM radio stations across the Land whose job it is maintain fear and hate, and to fuel diversions from the real story of corporate greed run amok.

Trying to block the takeover of America by a faux-capitalist dictatorship that mirrors the faux-communist dictatorship of