Saturday, November 6, 2010

Schools Matter: It's Complicated, Mr. Guggenheim; Lesley Off Base

Schools Matter: It's Complicated, Mr. Guggenheim; Lesley Off Base

It's Complicated, Mr. Guggenheim; Lesley Off Base

From Davis Guggenheim's recent HuffPo entry:
You can divide the education world into two camps. No, not democrat or republican. Not incrementalist or disrupter. Or even pro-union or pro-charter. The best way to know whether you are on the right side of school reform is determined by how you answer these two questions:

Do you dither?
Do you do?

Winston Churchill used the word "dithering" to describe his country's indecisiveness when it came to the looming Nazi threat. He was speaking to the carefully crafted but empty arguments from his countrymen which basically advocated doing nothing. The state of our public schools is also a