Saturday, November 13, 2010

Schools Matter: Bloomberg's Lesson for Schoolchildren Everywhere: Democracy Is Embarrassing

Schools Matter: Bloomberg's Lesson for Schoolchildren Everywhere: Democracy Is Embarrassing

Bloomberg's Lesson for Schoolchildren Everywhere: Democracy Is Embarrassing

School boards have been seen as stumbling blocks to social efficiency engineers for a hundred years now, and Prince Bloomberg is just the latest and most visible representative of those who share a general disdain for democracy or even a semblance of public voice in choosing leaders for public institutions. Bloomberg's mockery of democratic process is well-established by the past eight years of using his elected office to turn New York City into a corporatocracy run by himself, a small covey of white, stony Brits, and a host of corporate welfare queens trained at Goldman Sachs.

In 2004, for instance, he had his way on testing by firing and replacing three members of the dissenting members of his appointed Panel for Educational Policy, which replaced publicly-elected Boards. Then his crowing could be heard all the way across the river in Jersey:
''This is what mayoral control is all about,'' Mr. Bloomberg said last night. ''In the olden days, we