Thursday, November 11, 2010

Schools Matter: Bloomberg, The Little Oligarch Who Could

Schools Matter: Bloomberg, The Little Oligarch Who Could

Bloomberg, The Little Oligarch Who Could

For those who suffer from the debilitating illusion that there is some scrap of public accountablility for mayors appointed dictators of urban school systems, Prince Bloomberg provides the proper and bitter antidote. Years of fraudulent achievement data provided the edge to get Bloomberg re-elected with no repercussions. So now the Prince's disdain for democratic process has become so complete that Meryl Tisch, or even Klein himself, didn't know that Bloomberg was anointing another Upper East Side pal with no background in education to run the New York City Public Schools, the nation's largest ostensibly-public school system. Give that rich runt an "A" for audacious!

The Times has a few juicy details, a couple of which are provided here:

. . . . Even Mr. Klein, who had spent eight years running the nation’s largest school system, did not know whom his successor would be until Monday. And not until 30 minutes before the news