Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sacramento Press / Correction: Vote for Community! Mayor Kevin Johnson

Sacramento Press / Correction: Vote for Community!

Correction: Vote for Community!

Dear Mr. Mayor, I know that you have been busy with the election and all, and then the wedding plans, and finding a place for Sacramento’s homeless, and keeping the Kings in town, the rail yard deal,etc. etc. etc. But Dude; you gotta proof read the emails your vast media machine puts out. They got some of it wrong. I did a quick Big Education Ape touchup: what do you think?
your pal,

Correction: Vote for Community!

Dear Neighbor,

This email isn't going to bore you with the standard "here's why Election Day is important to democracy" lecture. If you're reading this, you know Election Day matters.

What you may not know is why Tuesday means so much down the ticket -- where the school board candidates reside.
We have a chance on Nov. 2 to create real community in Sacramento. Three people running for the Sacramento City Unified school board can make the difference. They need your support.

Ellyne Bell (Area 1), Jeff Cuneo (Area 2) and Darrel Woo (Area 6) are determined to continue the great leadership of the school district that is serving a majority of our community.

Nothing is more important to Sacramento's future than the education of our youngest citizens -- our children. As it stands, the Sacramento City school district is governed for the benefit of the community.

That's why our schools are keeping pace with progressive districts in the nation. And that's why parents who can get their kids in West High School, Sutter Middle School and Golden Empire Elementary School.

Bell , Cuneo and Woo will change the focus of leadership at Sac City, and make community the focus of our kid’s education.

Bell , Cuneo and Woo will bring community to city schools, giving parents voices and helping great teachers and administrators continue to improve Sac City schools.

You know why it's important to vote on on Election Day. But this time, your vote is more important than ever. The city's future and the future of our children is depending on your vote.

- Kevin

Of Course Mayor Johnson did not say exactly what is written above, this is a joke. But the election tomorrow is not a JOKE,

Big Education Ape Parent Political Picks

Vote for Community!