Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Please Tell Me Where the Tipping Point Is. � Chalkdust101

Please Tell Me Where the Tipping Point Is. � Chalkdust101

Please Tell Me Where the Tipping Point Is.

In late October, I was fortunate enough to participate in TechLearning Magazine’s Northeast TechForum in Tarrytown, NY. This marked the fourth year that I’ve been associated with the conference either as an attendee or a presenter. Each year tells me a dynamically different story about what is happening in our schools here in the Northeast. Each year someone new comes into the conference and turns it on its ear in some capacity.

My presentation, Admin 2.0, was in the afternoon, which gave me all morning to catch up with friends and peek in on some of the sessions that were going on. In each of the sessions, there was a recurrent theme among the crowd: their computers were really small, and a good percentage of the machines lacked full keyboards. The proliferation of eReaders, smartphones, and iPads especially astounded me. Later in the day, as I entered the