Monday, November 8, 2010

Palin talks tough to kids on quantitative easing | Analysis & Opinion |

Palin talks tough to kids on quantitative easing | Analysis & Opinion |

Palin talks tough to kids on quantitative easing

NOV 8, 2010 15:41 EST

Now that the midterm elections are history, Sarah Palin is setting her sights and rhetorical skills on the Federal Reserve and its easy money policy.

On Twitter, the former Alaska governor and possible 2012 presidential contender said she would begin a round of discussions at school events to teach children about quantitative easing to prepare them PALIN-RALLY/for the results of the Fed’s plan to boost the sluggish U.S. economy.

“Today:trade speech;tmrw school event 2 start discussing QuantitativeEasing w kids around US so they prepare 4 Feds experiment w their future,” Palin tweeted.

More than a few kids may be baffled by quantitative easing.

In an effort to boost lackluster growth the Fed has been injecting cash into the economy by buying up government securities in what it calls quantitative easing. It announced a fresh round of $600 billion in purchases last week and the action was welcomed by the stock market which moved higher on the news.

But critics, such as Palin and conservative Republican Ron Paul who is likely to head