Friday, November 5, 2010

NJEA president to address N.J. teacher's convention about Christie administration snub |

NJEA president to address N.J. teacher's convention about Christie administration snub |

NJEA president to address N.J. teacher's convention about Christie administration snub

Published: Friday, November 05, 2010, 12:18 PM Updated: Friday, November 05, 2010, 12:34 PM
barbara.jpgNew Jersey Education Association President Barbara Keshishian appears at the podium with three members of the New Jersey State Board of Education on Thursday.

ATLANTIC CITY — New Jersey Education Association President Barbara Keshishian is expected to address the Christie administration’s latest snub of the union during an address at the annual teacher's convention in Atlantic City today.

On Monday, acting Commissioner of Education Rochelle Hendricks e-mailed Keshishian declining an offer made six weeks earlier to speak with thousands of New Jersey teachers about the challenges facing public education in the state. Hendricks pegged her decision to the union’s disinterest in reform.

NJEA president Barbara Keshishian talks about Gov Christie and Education Commissioner

Keshishian said Thursday that the