Monday, November 15, 2010

National Journal Online -- Education Experts -- Local Control: The Makings of a Deal?

National Journal Online -- Education Experts -- Local Control: The Makings of a Deal?

Frederick M. Hess responded to Local Control: The Makings of a Deal? on November 15, 2010 10:11 AM

My Money's on an NCLB "Patch" I'm betting that there won't be an ESEA/NCLB reauthorization in the next two years. As I've said before, while there is surface agreement between the administration and Republicans on charter schooling and teacher quality, that doesn't reflect broad consensus. More to the point, House Republicans aren't going to spend 2011 or 2012 looking to pen a big federal education bill-- even if the cognoscenti assure them that it's really reducing Uncle Sam's footprint. Getting House Republicans (and Pelosi's NEA-friendly, post-election caucus) to sign on will likely require a bill that clearly and pretty unmistably just eviscerates and downsizes NCLB--...