Sunday, November 21, 2010

Merit pay 'For': Current system not working | | Journal and Courier

Merit pay 'For': Current system not working | | Journal and Courier

Merit pay 'For': Current system not working

NOVEMBER 21, 2010

The Indiana governor and state superintendent of public instruction say public school reform is being dragged down by pay structures that reward longevity instead of the true value of the best, most effective teachers. Teachers and some lawmakers believe that merit pay will undermine teamwork and possibly cause other unintended consequences.

Here are five top arguments for merit pay.

Teachers will work harder

Under the current system, teacher compensation is based on seniority. Steve Gunn, communications director for the Michigan-based Education Action Group says the system is outdated.

"The old system based on seniority and showing up year after year clearly doesn't work," Gunn said. "A lot lose motivation, a lot get burned out. This will light a fire under teachers who have been around for a few