Friday, November 26, 2010

Keep Your Eye on Michael Gove - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Keep Your Eye on Michael Gove - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Keep Your Eye on Michael Gove

by Dovid Efune, Dir. Algemeiner Journal
Follow Israel opinion on Twitter and Facebook .

Michael Gove, UK Secretary of State for Education in the UK, a man of integrity, is not as yet world known, but perhaps it is time for him to shine.

On Facebook there is only one politician whose fan page I have joined, his name is Michael Gove; he is the Secretary of State for Education in the United Kingdom.

Gove is not well known in the US, as is apparent from his Facebook fan page that currently has only 106 other members. However, this week he was featured prominently in a high profile story that was broken by the BBC and widely circulated internationally. The Panorama special report, found that more than 40 Saudi Student Schools and Clubs in the UK are teaching the official Saudi national curriculum to about 5,000 pupils.

The program quoted textbooks as saying that Jews “looked like monkeys and pigs,” and that Zionists set out to achieve “world domination.” It also quoted a separate part of the curriculum — for children as young as 6 — saying that a non-believer in Islam at death would be condemned to “hellfire.”In a book for 14-year-olds, Sharia law and its punishment for theft are explained, including detailed diagrams about how hands