Monday, November 8, 2010

IEA Board votes to move RA from Hyatt. � Fred Klonsky's blog

IEA Board votes to move RA from Hyatt. � Fred Klonsky's blog

IEA Board votes to move RA from Hyatt.

From Ken Swanson, IEA President:

For some weeks now we have been quietly prepping for the possibility we would have to move our Representative Assembly from the Hyatt Hotel in Rosemont we have used for many years. This hotel is one of a number of Hyatt hotels involved in a longstanding labor dispute with UNITE HERE, the union representing hotel workers.

We will share more later about the dispute. What is important to communicate now is that the Board of Directors voted unanimously to act in accordance with my recommendation that we do whatever is necessary to support our union bretheren in this dispute and if that means we have to move to other hotels and significantly adjust the RA schedule we will do so. The Board also heard a report related to this matter from the IEA RA Board Subcommittee.

I know there has been some speculation about this issue among some members and in fact some false assumptions have surfaced regarding the amount of attention we have or had not been giving this matter.

There is much to be worked out, as I am sure you can understand. So, we really don’t have answers to the