Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How will the UFT advise Steiner? « JD2718

How will the UFT advise Steiner? « JD2718

How will the UFT advise Steiner?

Secretly, or not at all (as of today).

At last Wednesday’s Delegate Assembly the question on many delegates minds was: “will the UFT advise Steiner to reject Cathie Black’s waiver?”

That question was not answered by the delegates. In fact, it never really came up.

Instead, a resolution from the Exec Board laid out the case for opposing Black, and drew the wrong conclusion: that we trust Steiner’s panel and process

RESOLVED that the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) support the process established by State Education Commissioner David Steiner as a credible and fair procedure for deciding on the request for a waiver from the qualifications for chancellor of New York City public schools