Sunday, November 7, 2010

The China education boom on US campuses

The China education boom on US campuses

The China education boom on US campuses

New York: In her ballroom dance class, Li Wanrong has learned to tango and cha-cha. At lunch one day, she tried a strange mix of flavors -- pepperoni pizza, the spicy sausage and oozing cheese nearly burning her tongue. Then there was that Friday night before going clubbing for the first time when new friends gave her a makeover, and she looked in the mirror to see an American girl smiling back wearing a little black dress, red lipstick and fierce eyeliner.

"I say 'wow' a lot," says Ms Li, a freshman at Drew University, a small liberal arts school in Madison, New Jersey.

Against her parents' wishes, she studied for and took the SAT in Hong Kong, a three-hour bus