Tuesday, November 16, 2010

California out of sync with Common Core | Thoughts on Public Education

California out of sync with Common Core | Thoughts on Public Education

California out of sync with Common Core

Will the state have tests years before textbooks?
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

In July 2009, the Legislature suspended the work of the Curriculum Commission, which screens textbooks and course materials, for four years. It may have been out of spite – a slap at the State Board of Education, to which the Commission reports. It may have been to save money for the state and school districts, which could use textbook money for other purposes. It may have been both.

Whatever the motivation, that decision is jeopardizing the state’s ability to prepare students and teachers for Common Core standards in math and language arts, which the State Board adopted in August. If the timeline isn’t changed, the state will have tests in Common Core subjects two years before it has approved the textbooks that students need to learn those

Win for illegal immigrants and state - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

In 2001, the Legislature agreed that undocumented immigrants who completed three years of high school in California, got their high school diplomas, and applied for citizenship would be entitled to in-state tuition at state colleges. HB 540 was a reward to students who persevered against the odds. It was also a smart investment for a [...]