Monday, November 15, 2010

Cal, Fight the Admin Tuesday, the Regents Wednesday « occupy california

Cal, Fight the Admin Tuesday, the Regents Wednesday « occupy california

Cal, Fight the Admin Tuesday, the Regents Wednesday

from ThoseWhoUseIt:

What we’ve previously referred to as a “banner war” should probably have been called a banner battle given the onslaught prepared for tomorrow. If you are in the East Bay, don’t miss tomorrow’s action at 6:30 am at California Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. We know it’s early, but please arrive on time if at all possible —we will need numbers immediately.

But of course this is a two-front war. After we take on our respective UC campus administrations on Tuesday (and we’ve heard that our comrades at Santa Cruz will be getting down as well), we’ll be combining forces on Wednesday and attempting to shut down the Regents’ meeting at the UCSF Mission Bay campus. Again, it is essential that we have numbers as early as possible. If that means that you have to crash on your friend’s couch in the City on Tuesday night, do it. We know tha