Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Berkeley Student Activists Shut Down Campus Admin Building « Student Activism

Berkeley Student Activists Shut Down Campus Admin Building « Student Activism

Berkeley Student Activists Shut Down Campus Admin Building

The next meeting of the University of California regents doesn’t start until tomorrow, but Berkeley’s activists are starting the protests early.

The regents are expected to impose a new eight percent fee hike at this week’s meeting, and other proposals on the agenda are meeting with student resistance as well. Students will be coming in to protest the meeting from all over the state, and we’ll be covering that story as it develops.

This morning, though, at six-thirty, activists at Berkeley gathered at California Hall, UCB’s administration

James O’Keefe’s Misogyny and Racism Claims Another Victim

You remember James O’Keefe — the guy behind the fake prostitute scam that took down ACORN, the guy who got an anti-racist government official fired by pretending she was a racist, the guy who plotted to trap a female journalist on a boat and videotape himself making crude sexual advances against her.

Well, he’s at it again.

In August of this year O’Keefe sent a handful of operatives to a teacher’s union conference in New Jersey. They were armed with miniature video cameras, and they were looking for dirt — anything they could find, any way they could get it.

One of O’Keefe’s minions struck up a conversation with a teacher named Alissa Ploshnick at the hotel bar. She was 38 and single. He was younger. He engaged her in conversation. He flirted. He bought her drinks.