Monday, November 1, 2010

The Answer Sheet - Teacher apologizes for achievement gap: 'My fault'

The Answer Sheet - Teacher apologizes for achievement gap: 'My fault'

Teacher apologizes for achievement gap: 'My fault'

Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement has some very funny posts, including this one, a piece of fake education news. [Some of the language on the blog is raw; because the Post has different standards on this sort of thing, I've taken out some of the more colorful words and replaced them with synonyms in brackets.] As I said last week, sometimes you have to laugh through the pain. INDIANAPOLIS--Trent Jakob, eighth grade Earth sciences teacher, was surrounded by family and friends as he tearfully spoke to reporters this morning in front of the Andrew J. Brown Academy Middle School in Indianapolis, IN. After years of denial and excuses, Mr. Jakob finally admitted that the achievement gap was the work of none other but himself. A transcript of his remarks follows: I stand before you today, a broken man with a heavy heart. It is so heavy because it is