Monday, November 8, 2010

The Answer Sheet - A public school teacher’s distress

The Answer Sheet - A public school teacher’s distress

A public school teacher’s distress

Here is one of the many desperate emails and letters from teachers that education historian Diane Ravitch, author of the bestselling book The Death and Life of the Great American School System, receives every day. Ravitch has emerged as the country's most prominent independent voice in opposition to the current wave of "school reform" that is supported by the Obama administration, and as a result, public school teachers by the thousands have written to her. The letter below was written by Toldeo public school music teacher and author Robyn Hage, who gave me permission to publish it. In June, I published a letter by a Florida teacher who wrote that after more than three decades in the classroom, he was experiencing the worst year in his career because of a string of "reforms" that have foisted a mountain of standardized tests on his students and a phony accountability system for