Tuesday, November 30, 2010

4 paid UAW staffers confronted at the polling table at UC Irvine « Occupy UCI!

4 paid UAW staffers confronted at the polling table at UC Irvine « Occupy UCI!

4 paid UAW staffers confronted at the polling table at UC Irvine

UCI grad students continue to hold it down…

From UC Grad Strike:

4 Paid and bias UAW Staffers were spotted on the Palo Verde (Graduate) Housing Bridge. Reports are that they were at the polling table and that one of them was “removed” and replaced by a less biased one.

Below, you may listen to the audio recording of the incident linked from the UC Rebel Radio Audio Archives. The louder voice at around 10:00 (and before) is the person operating the poll. He is a paid staffer, not a student. He talks at length to this graduate student about the contract, especially around 15:00, where he discusses what

Fighting UAW’s web of lies

By now, many of us are familiar with a particular blog, purportedly run by concerned rank and file members, but in reality the work of 3 Joint Council members, most likely with the input and direction of several members of the Executive Board.

It is hard to begin to attack any one of the many false and misleading statements on the website without getting tangled in the web of lies spun by our union’s statewide leadership and staff. But we wanted to address the issue which we feel is a personal attack on everyone involved in the NO VOTE campaign and even those of our friends, classmates, and coworkers who have joined us in voting no.

This issue primarily revolves around the motivations of the rank-and-file members and elected leaders spearheading this campaign.

Perhaps the most ridiculous argument made by this blog is the idea that we are disconnected from the membership. This could not be further from the truth, precisely because WE ARE THE MEMBERSHIP. We are