Friday, October 22, 2010

UPR Student Occupy Social Science and Education Depts. � occupy california

UPR Student Occupy Social Science and Education Depts. � occupy california

UPR Student Occupy Social Science and Education Depts.

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – On early Thursday morning, October 21st, there was no class at the Social Sciences and Education Departments of the University of Puerto Rico as protest against the $800 fee that the administration pretends to impose on the students. The fee implicates an almost 100% increase of tuition costs and that around 11,000 students would have to stop attending studies due to lack of enough money.

At the Education Department claims were also made against the cuts on courses offered and the rise in class capacity. According to the Action Committee for Education, “their plan is evident. They want to make the University smaller, sacrificing the public and social interest that is assumed of a State university and adopted the model of the university-business. They want to tear apart our university to eventually give it to the private sector.”