Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This Week In Education: Commentary: Seven Signs Of Spinning

This Week In Education: Commentary: Seven Signs Of Spinning

Commentary: Seven Signs Of Spinning

Mmw_testinglearning_articleThere are a lot of blogs out there but how can you tell whether they're really any good? Michael Kinsley says that the key is intellectual honesty, which he distinguishes from regular old honesty (as in not lying or making things up): "Intellectual honesty is more demanding: It means being truthful about what’s going on inside your own head." So ask yourself if the people you're reading are really being truthful about what they're thinking -- signs of which, according to me, include things like admitting doubt, acknowledging

Quote: Is Tenure Really The Main Problem Here?

Quote-markMaybe there's two bad teachers per school. Is it worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

- Teacher quoted in AP story fact-checking WFS (via GothamSchools)