Tuesday, October 12, 2010

There’s Something about Michelle Rhee… | The Atlanta Post

There’s Something about Michelle Rhee… | The Atlanta Post

There’s Something about Michelle Rhee…

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"Charing Ball"Yesterday, the Washington Post posted a “manifesto” from over a dozen public school district superintendents about what they feel should be at the heart of reform for the nations’ 97,000 public school districts.

Touting the need to shed entrenched practices, which have held the education system back, the education professionals wrote that two major reforms need to happen to ensure student achievement: first, more charter school choice in neighborhoods with failing schools and, second, the need for performance based evaluation of teachers.

In other words, those teachers, who perform well, are rewarded financially while those teachers who fail to ensure student achievement are shown the front door.

On an interesting side note, one of the many signers of this “manifesto” is Michelle Rhee, soon-to-be-former D.C. Schools Chancellor and current face of education reform in America. For those unfamiliar with the name, you might recall Rhee from her role as a shining example of education reform in the documentary,