Sunday, October 24, 2010

Student Teacher Fired for Saying He's Gay Gets Job Back - ABC News

Student Teacher Fired for Saying He's Gay Gets Job Back - ABC News

Student Teacher Fired for Saying He's Gay Gets Job Back

Seth Stambaugh Told Fourth Grader He Wasn't Married Because He Was Gay

An Oregon student-teacher who said he was removed from a suburban Portland school because he told a fourth grader he was gay was given his job back and could be back in the classroom this week.

Seth Stambaugh was fired for answering a student about why he wasn't married.

Seth Stambaugh, 23, was banned from the Beaverton School District in September after he responded candidly to a question from a student at the Sexton Mountain Elementary School.

"The student asked me if I was married. I indicated that I was not," Stambaugh said at a news conference on Friday.

"He asked me if it was because I wasn't old enough. I told him no, that it would be because I would choose to marry another man," he said. "And he asked if I liked to hang out with other guys, and I said,