Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shanker Blog � Narratives to Nowhere

Shanker Blog � Narratives to Nowhere


Our guest author today is Arch Puddington, director of research at Freedom House.

I once appeared on a panel on the state of press freedom with a man who had been a reporter with one of America’s prestigious news weeklies. He told of having been on assignment in the Middle East during an especially bloody terrorist atrocity, carried out by Hezbollah, that had killed a number of Americans. When the journalist asked a Hezbollah contact why his group had committed the atrocity, the response was: “You ignored us before we were terrorists; now, after this act, you take us seriously.”

The message that the reporter took from these chilling words was not that the men who made the decisions for Hezbollah were ruthless murderers. Instead, he discovered a measure of wisdom in the terrorist’s rationalization: The Western democracies, and especially the United States, had for too long held sway over how events were