Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Serious Obama defends his policies on The Daily Show | Reuters

Serious Obama defends his policies on The Daily Show | Reuters

Serious Obama defends his policies on "The Daily Show"

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks with Jon Stewart during a break in the taping of an interview for the Daily Show in Washington, October 27, 2010. REUTERS/Jim Young

WASHINGTON | Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:37pm EDT

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama targeted young voters on Wednesday with a robust defense of his policies and promises in an appearance on the popular comedy program "The Daily Show."

Obama, whose Democrats are expected to suffer big losses in Tuesday's congressional elections, was light on jokes but heavy on policy as he said it would take time to fulfill the pledges he made during the 2008 presidential campaign.

"When we promised during the campaign 'change you can believe in,' it wasn't 'change you can believe in 18 months,'" he told the host, Jon Stewart.

"It was change you can believe in but, you know what, we're going to have