Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Schools Matter: Sanity Will Not Be Restored Quietly

Schools Matter: Sanity Will Not Be Restored Quietly

Sanity Will Not Be Restored Quietly

A couple of vets recently walked across the country as an act of protest against the Oligarchy that now owns Washington, DC. With Oprah, Inc. now behind the March to Restore Sanity and with the big O, himself, scheduled on Comedy Central to pump the cause, it is important that the hundreds of thousands who show up on Oct, 30 show up sane, yes, but loudly making a point that resistance and more resistance will be required to reclaim the democracy, rather than sitting on the sofa with Oprah, smiling.

By David Swanson
Remarks at the Lincoln Memorial, October 20, 2010

It's an honor for me to help welcome Robin Monahan and Laird Monahan to this city, not because I can take any pride in this place, but because we can all take pride in what they've done and