Saturday, October 30, 2010

Schools Matter: Responses to Bonnie Reiss, Calif Sec of Education

Schools Matter: Responses to Bonnie Reiss, Calif Sec of Education

Responses to Bonnie Reiss, Calif Sec of Education

Bonnie Reiss, California Secretary of Education, published a commentary in the Sacramento Bee, reproduced below.

Here are two letters published in the Sacramento Bee on Oct. 29, responding to Ms. Reiss' commentary:

Re: ("To fix our schools …," Oct 27)

It is offensive that people continue to attack teachers (and unions… aka... teachers collectively) for the issues in education. In addition to being a teacher, I am actively involved in my teachers’ union. Let me share some information with those who don’t seem to “get it.”

Unions are made up of teachers. We are the ones that are in the classrooms doing the work everyday. Teachers