Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Schools Matter: Boston's Charterizers on the Prowl, Pushing for Closure of Public Schools

Schools Matter: Boston's Charterizers on the Prowl, Pushing for Closure of Public Schools

Boston's Charterizers on the Prowl, Pushing for Closure of Public Schools

Boston's corporate education deform movement has been a study in contrasts to the fuming, snarling Michelle Rhee of DC fame and others of the public education bombardier wing. The bombers of Boston act with the restraint of Harvard dons in contrast to Rhee and, let's say, the super-sized governor of New Jersey. Maybe it's because there are, indeed, Harvard dons among them, like master chef of voucher research, Paul Peterson, who is apparently training a new generation of ideologues like himself who can abuse the reputation of a great university to push for the demolition of all things public. Of course, Peterson is not the only academic turned corporate pawn among the edupreneurs and corporate welfare ditto heads who take orders from the big time oligarchs running the Billionaire Boys' Club.

For Boston's"creative destruction" disruptors, the game is subterfuge, influence peddling, and stealth bombing of