Monday, October 18, 2010

School Tech Connect: The Long and Winding Post

School Tech Connect: The Long and Winding Post

The Long and Winding Post

In the year before I left the classroom, I was in of all places, a shopping mall. Fashion Square, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Two friends and I were making a morning of it; it's what you do when it's 120 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

We were in one of the big department stores, futzing around in a little section of the store that sold fancy skin-care products. The "overpriced glop department," is how I believe I referred to it at the time. The clerk was a young lady who was doing what she could to move product, and she discovered that we were three English teachers enjoying a Saturday morning away from grading.

She announced that she was starting a nonprofit. Young people-- they have foundations and nonprofits now. We