Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday Solutions: Beware of “either-or” thinking � Failing Schools

Saturday Solutions: Beware of “either-or” thinking � Failing Schools

Saturday Solutions: Beware of “either-or” thinking

OCTOBER 2, 2010
by Sabrina

The more time I spend in the education reform community, and the more time I spend debating those who disagree with me, the more I understand how dangerous it can be to oversimplify things.

For instance, I’ve encountered way too many people who feel you must be either pro-teacher OR pro-student. You must be either pro-neighborhood school OR pro-charter school. You must be either pro-corporate reform OR pro-status quo. You must either be willing to sacrifice everything for your needy students OR be a bad teacher.

Thoughtful people understand that such distinctions are crude and unnecessary. Those of us wh